Just one month after the first exchange, Artemide hosted the second and last exchange of this project from 21 to 29 April 2022 at the House Laboratory ‘Il Cerquosino’, in the hills surrounding Orvieto (Italy).

This time, participants came from Kosovo, Palestine (1948 Territories), Montenegro, Moldova (Transnistria) and Italy.

As for the first youth exchange in March, this exchange also built on a Training Course for youth workers that took place in November 2021. The exchange was an opportunity to meet and know youth from other cultures, as well as to learn from and with each other.
For one week, participants lived together in a simulation of active citizenship at the House Laboratory Il Cerquosino.

All activities during the week were conducted according to non formal education methodologies, such as theatre, manual activities, video making and music.

An article about the youth exchange was published by a local newspaper in Italian.

We thank all our partner organisations for contributing to make this project a memorable one!

Inma´a Association for Democracy and Capacity – from Nazareth Israel-Palestine 48 Territories;

Center for innovation and social development – from Moldova-Trasnistria;

Centre for Civic Education – Centar za građansko obrazovanje – from Montenegro;

Organizata Kosovare per Talent dhe Arsim – TOKA- from Kosovo;

Cooperativa sociale il Quadrifoglio, from Italy;

Comunità educativa per minori stranieri non accompagnati “XENIA” from Italy;

Cooperativa sociale agricole Labourè accoglienza temporanea di stranieri from Italy