
L’Associazione Artemide coordina e partecipa in progetti educativi, di formazione e di scambio a livello locale, nazionale ed Europeo (Erasmus+). Attraverso l’educazione non formale ed ambientale promuoviamo l’inclusione sociale, l’interculturalità e la partecipazione di bambini, giovani ed adulti.

Piantiamo semi di accoglienza e costruiamo ponti oltre i pregiudizi. 

Progetti recenti

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Training – 2019

“Adversity can be formidable occasions, a path of resilience”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Italy, Greece, Albania, Israel, Palestine, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Turkey, France

Participants: 15-30 years old and youth workers

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange – 2018

“People have one thing in common: they are all different. An active citizenship simulation”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Romania, Kosovo, Montenegro, Malta, Italy

Participants: 15-30 years old

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Training – 2017/2018

“There are not two equal journeys that face the same path: act of resilience”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Italy, Bosnia Herzegovina, Austria, Croatia, Moldova, Ukraine, Kosovo, Romania, Turkey

Participants: youth 15-30 years old and youth workers

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Training – 2017

“There is a crack in everything, that is where the light comes in”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Italy, Palestine, Albania, Macedonia, Montenegro, Turkey, Bulgaria, Lebanon and Germany.

Participants: youth 15-30 years old and youth workers

Download photo report and watch the video.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange and Training – 2016/2017

“Behold, this is the time when the night ends and the day begins; pills of resilience”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Italy, Spain, Hungary, Romania, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey, Greece, Germany

Participants: youth 15-30 years old and youth workers

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange – 2015 (2)

“We have all the power we need to create the changes we want: an active citizenship simulation”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Serbia, Macedonia, Romania, Bulgaria, Italy

Participants: 15-30 years old

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange 2015

“Sometimes limits exist in whom look at us: an active citizenship simulation”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Lithuania, Polonia, Portugal, Malta, Italy

Participants: 15-30 years old

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Workers Training – 2015

“Cross the threshold and play the complexity: emotions for use”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Bulgaria, Macedonia, Serbia, Montenegro, Romania, Italy

Participants: youth workers

Download photo report.

Erasmus+ Youth Exchange – 2014

“The courage of other’s opinions; imagine, create, live. An active citizenship simulation”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Turkey, Hungary, Romania, Estonia, Italy

Participants: 15-30 years old

Download photo report.

Erasmus + Youth Exchange – 2013

“What we do live for, if not to make each other’s life less difficult? An Active citizenship simulation”

Where: Il Cerquosino – Orvieto
Countries: Portugal, Poland, Estonia, Bulgaria and Italy

Participants: 15-30 years old

Download photo report.


Associazione Artemide

Casa Laboratorio “IL CERQUOSINO”

Località San Faustino 22, 05018, Orvieto (TR), Italia

Tel: +39 3397256575


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